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Stop Violence Against Women

We Children and Youth at Sano Sansar Initiative believe that all of us; we human beings are equal; each of us have equal rights for our security; respect and love. But, Several Incidents in Nepal and India in the last few weeks whether it be inside an International Airport or a moving bus; it has shown us; how insecure our country is, and has laid us an cruel example for violence against women.

We express our deep sorrow in the demise of 23-years old student from Delhi, India who was gang raped by six men in a moving bus on 16th December and heartfelt condolences to her believed family, relatives and friends.

Violence of these kinds should never be accepted, tolerated and excused. We urge our governments to ensure security and punish the ones encouraging such brutal crimes And we commit ourselves to encourage children and youth for better actions on awareness to maintain peace and harmony in the society as a part of our long term plan of building a more sustainable society.

President Sagar Aryal on behalf of SSI Team

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