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जीज्ञासा :Leadership
जीज्ञासा :Leadership is a series of four events on leadership, organized by Sano Sansar Initiative supported by WWF The Generation Green in association with Horizon Media. This event will bring 1000 live youth audience (250 each week) and thousands of other virtual audience via Youtube. In this series, each week individuals with great experience and success in the field of environment, health, sports, finance, media and spiritual aspects will be invited to share his/her experience, knowledge and wisdom with the youth audience, each week.
Press Release:
Click Here to download Press Release.
All the youths from any educational field or professional background can participate.
Ticket price: Rs. 150 per event.
For tickets contact: +977 9861446103, +977 9860110109, 01-4281286.
Time: 1 PM to 4 PM
Date: 8th July, 15th July, 22nd July and 29th July.
Venue: DECC, UWTC Tripureshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Fill Up the form below to get in contact with us about the tickets and events.
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