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Apply Now to become member of Plant For the Planet Global Board!

plant-for-the-planetDear Plant-for-the-Planet Climate Justice Ambassador,

Take the chance and apply now to become member of the new Global Boards 2014/15. The online-voting for the new Plant-for-the-Planet Global Boards 2014/15 starts on 25th April!

  • Do you want to deepen your involvement with Plant-for-the-Planet?
  • Do you want to take extensive action to fight the climate crisis?
  • Do you want to inspire children worldwide and represent their interests?

Then apply for the Plant-for-the-Planet Global Boards 2014/2015!

Again, there will be two Global Boards: one for the Children’s Initiative, for children aged from 8 to 14 and one for the Youth Initiative, for young people aged from 15 to 21 years. Together they will represent the Plant-for-the-Planet Initiative, which invites everyone around the world to become a member.

In each of the Global Boards there will be 14 members who represent 8 different world regions. You can be a part of it too. Exchange ideas and opinions with people from around the world and help to take Plant-for-the-Planet into the future!


  • trained Climate Justice Ambassador or high level of motivation to lobby for climate justice
  • joy in inspiring children and youth
  • aged between 8 to 14 (Children’s Global Board) or from 15 to 21 years (Youth Global Board) as of the 1st July 2014
  • availability between the 1st of July 2014 and 30th of June 2015 for the monthly board meetings of the Global Board via the Internet
  • good English skills to participate actively in the monthly sessions of the Global Board (per Internet)
  • one adult coordinator (e.g. a parent) if you are a minor

The Global Youth Board will have a special task within iis next term of office. The members will form the editorial team of the Global Youth Climate Plan. This means, that the Youth Global Board members will develop a plan based on the answers from scientists all over the world, how we as human society can concretely counteract global warming in order to keep the 2∞C limit?

How to apply:

You have until 15th April 2014 to apply to sit on one of the Global Boards. The candidates be presented on our website, if possible with a video message. The elections will start on 25th April 2014 online. Every Plant-for-the-Planet member with voting rights has until 15th May 2014 to register their online votes for each of the Global Boards. From these elected board members, the Global Presidents and Vice-Global Presidents will be elected. They are voted for in a second round of voting from 26-24th May 2014.

The new Presidents and Vice-Presidents will be presented at the Plant-for-the-Planet Annual Meeting in Munich. The handover from the old Global Boards to the new takes place in June, and the new Global Board takes office on 1st July 2014.

Apply here online as candidate for the Global Boards or send us an email with your name and date of birth:[email protected]

The current Global Board members can be seen here.

I am looking forward to receiving your application. Thanks a lot!

Best regards!
Pascale Sarah
for the Plant-for-the-Planet Secretariat

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